There are several ways to specify the license key.

1. The PDFreactor license key can be set in your PDFreactor integration. Just copy the contents of the license key file (e.g. “licensekey.txt”) and set it on the configuration object as a string like this:


config.setLicenseKey("<license>...</license >");


$config["licenseKey"] = "<license>...</license>";


config.licenseKey = "<license>...</license>";


config.licenseKey = "<license>...</license>";


config["licenseKey"] = "<license>...</license>"


config["licenseKey"] = "<license>...</license>"


$config->{"licenseKey"} = "<license>...</license>";

2. Integrators that use the PDFreactor Web Service with one of the appropriate APIs can also just copy the license key file to the “PDFreactor/jetty/lib/ext” directory where it will be used automatically by PDFreactor. In this case, make sure that the license key file's name has the following format: "licensekey.txt", "licensekey_XXXX.txt" or "licensekey_XXXX_DEV.txt" (with XXXX representing your license serial number).

When using other Java web application servers, copy the license key file into the same directory where the "pdfreactor-webservice.jar" is located.

If your are using the new PDFreactor command line (PDFreactor/bin/ or PDFreactor/bin/pdfreactor.exe) you can also set the license key as described for the PDFreactor Web Service above. Alternatively you can set the license key as string using the following command line option

Command Line

--licenseKey "<license>...</license>"

If you are using the old command line (java -jar pdfreactor.jar) or the PDFreactor Preview application just copy the license key file to the same directory as the JAR file (PDFreactor/lib).

3. Integrators that use the PDFreactor Web Service can use server parameters to specify the license key's location. The server parameter "licenseKeyPath" specifies a file system path to a directory where the "licensekey.txt" file is located, the server parameter "licenseKeyUrl" specifies a URL. Server parameters can e.g. be set as system properties in the "PDFreactor/jetty/start.d/main.ini":

