When HTML form controls such as input fields and text areas are rendered on screen, they usually have a fixed size determined by their attributes or by the browser. If the content of the form control is larger than the form control itself, the browser usually adds scroll bars to the control or allows navigation using a caret.

This, of course, is not possible on print or in a paged environment. To overcome this, PDFreactor supports some style properties which allow the automatic resizing of form controls according to their content. If these properties are set, the form controls' size automatically adjusts according to its content.

 These properties are: -ro-width and -ro-height.

-ro-width automatically adjusts the width of a form control if the width of the content exceeds the width defined for the form control.

-ro-height automatically adjusts the height of a form control if the height of the content exceeds the height defined for the form control.

Example usage of these properties:

input[type="text"] {
    -ro-width: auto;
textarea {
    -ro-height: auto;